Come to our UNIBUDS O-Week Stall

Bi-Annual Event

With the O-week stall, students can join our membership, old members can renew their membership, you can also get information about UNIBUDS events, register for O-picnic, meet up with UNIBUDS friends, buy UNIBUDS T-shirt as well as get free distribution Dhamma book at the stall!

Central Lecture Block Courtyard (O-week), UNSW
21st - 25th February 2011 (O-week / week 0)
28th February - 4th March 2011 (week 1)
ICon-Time Everyday for two weeks
Kia Sheng
Den Neil
Bing Sen

Are you an existing member?

Do you know that all members have to renew their membership every year? O-week is a good chance to do so! Come to our stall! Bring your new friends and juniors along to join this big family! Let's make UNIBUDS stall as happening as we could!

Are you interested in UNIBUDS?

Known UNIBUDS but not yet a member? Interested in joining us? Come to our stall! During O-week, you can fill up the membership form and be a member at our stall!

Are you new to UNIBUDS?

Welcome to UNIBUDS! >To know more about UNIBUDS, come to our stall during 22nd-26th February (O-week) and 1st-5th March 2009(week 1)! Don't miss the chance to get to know UNIBUDS family! You are more than welcome to drop by anytime =D


  • We Need You!

    The stall needs you to stay alive!

    What you can do? Help setting up our stall, packing up our stall, spreading Dhamma, spreading smiles and laughter, introducing UNIBUDS to new students, recommend a books., updating membership, recording mailing lists etc.

    Interested? Come and join us at the stall, spread the laughter and joy while introducing the Dhamma to all who approach the stall! It's going to be fun! Of course, there are kamma point to be collected too


    UNIBUDS Annual Activity

    How did your first week of this new semester go? Was it tiring? Whether the answer is a "yes" or a "no", you are all welcomed to our first UNIBUDS activity of the year, that is O-Picnic!

    We'll be having plenty of activities on that day itself, guaranteed to provide you with a whole lot of fun and laughter.

    You'll also have plenty of time during this event to meet up with fellow UNIBUDS members, make some new friends or even catch up with some old buddies. Most important of all, enjoy the good food!

    And, it's FREE!

    So, what are you waiting for? Register now to avoid missing out on this great event!

    Coogee Beach (BBQ pit opposite McDonalds)
    Saturday, 5th March 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 2.30pm
    Just your busfare! Food & entertainment are provided!
    Dennis Lim
    Juan Lyn

    If you don't know the way? Fuss not! Our friendly Venue Guiders will be there to lead you to Coogee Beach by bus. The details to meet are:
    Squarehouse, Ground level
    ICon-Time 9.00am sharp!
    Bing Sen

    If you wish to go by yourself, we will see you at Coogee Beach!

    As food will be provided, all you need to bring is some sun screen, shades, $2 or a blue travel ten if you are meeting us at the Squarehouse, and of course yourself! In order for us to better cater to everyones' needs, please register with the organizers with your name, contact number, email as well as your preferred transportation option.Or if you want to help out with this event or will like to share a dish or 2, please let us know too!

    See you there!

    UNIBUDS Potluck!

    UNIBUDS Activity

    potluck1 potluck2

    My dear friends in the Dhamma! How has the first 2 weeks of uni been? Stressed? Bored? Hungry?

    No matter how you are feeling, UNIBUDS has yet another fun and exciting activity coming this weekend!

    I'm sure many of you miss the food, fun and laughter from O-picnic right? Did you miss out on O-picnic? Doesn't matter! Then make sure you don't miss this opportunity to come join in and meet up with old friends and make new ones!

    This Saturday, UNIBUDS will be having a POTLUCK gathering! Not to forget, to introduce our once-in-three-years-event, Buddhist Exhibition 2011! Feel free to share your culinary skills or try out the various international tastes of UNIBUDS!

    The Lodge, Level 3 of Squarehouse, UNSW
    Sunday, 19th March 2011
    ICon-Time 6.00pm - 10.00pm
    ICon-Time Free! Just bring along a dish or two (to share) and of course your empty stomach!
    Bing Sen
    Kai Yi

    Metta Meditation Workshop

    UNIBUDS Meditation Workshop

    In English, metta meditation is often referred to simply as "loving-kindness meditation". Loving-kindness meditation can be brought in to support the practice of 'bare attention' to help keep the mind open and sweet. It provides the essential balance to support your insight meditation practice. This practice helps us to actively cultivate positive emotional states towards ourselves and others, so that we become more patient, kind, accepting, and compassionate. In this three hours workshop, Bhante Sujato will teach and guide us through metta meditation, how to practice metta meditation, the benefits of metta meditation and how to develop loving-kindness in our day to day practice.

    Kindly RSVP with Su Sian so that we can confirm the number of attendees and accommodate to all. There will be an offering of dana (food) to Bhante Sujato, please feel free to bring some food to offer to Bhante as a way to cultivate our generosity and kindness. There will be light refreshment served to participants during the workshop.

    Speaker's Profile:
    Bhante Sujato was born in Perth and raised in a liberal Catholic family. He entered an intensive vipassana retreat at Wat Ram Poeng in Chieng Mai, after which he knew that this would be his path. In 2003, Bhante Sujato came to the Coalmines Road property, where he established Santi Forest Monastery and has overseen its development. As well as being a meditator and teacher, Bhante Sujato is a scholar of early Buddhism, with severalbooks and essays of original and often groundbreaking research. He contributes to Buddhism in Australia through a wide variety of forums and organizations, including theAustralian Sangha Association, Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils, Australian Partnership of Religious Organizations, Australian Association of Buddhist Councillors and Psychotherapists, Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies, and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change.

    Goldstein Hall G06, UNSW
    Saturday, 26th March 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 1.00pm
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Su Sian


    UNIBUDS Event

    Buddhist Exhibition is an Exhibition organised by UNIBUDS once in every 3 years. This year, we are fortunate to bring you another Exhibition in the hope to raise awareness of Buddhism on campus! Our theme for this Exhibition is – In the Footsteps of The Buddha! We would like to present to you the teachings of the Buddha which can guide us through our daily lives. Of course, such a big and auspicious event would not be possible without your help. It is a five days event which will be attended by all communities on campus, general public, Buddhist or non-Buddhist.

    So, what are you waiting for? Come and join us!

    - | Click here to see how you can help |-

    Gallery 1, The John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW
    Sunday - Thursday, 10th - 14th April 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 4.00pm daily
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Foh Fan
    Den Neil

    Unsure of where The John Niland Scientia Building is? Refer to below marked map!

    Buddhist Exhibition Thank You Dinner

    UNIBUDS Activity

    Buddhist Exhibition 2011 came to an end on 14th of April but memories still linger on. Around 100 helpers have contributed enormously by putting in their invaluable time and effort over a period of 2 months to prepare for this significant triennial event.

    Many thanks to the people who made it happen!
    Buddhist Exhibition 2011 was possible only with the collective efforts of everyone involved, be it the monastery visitors who carefully selected artefacts for the event, drivers who lend their dependable driving skills, anyone who tirelessly helped out in the set up of the event (including decorations, lighting and security)/made the Opening Ceremony a success, booklets designers who raced with time to produce useful references for visitors, receptionists for their warm greetings, photographers who captured the meaningful moments and definitely the joyous visitors!

    A dinner to thank you for your efforts
    In order to show our gratitude, UNIBUDS are going to organise a potluck dinner to thank all those involved! Everyone is invited to the dinner! Even if you missed Buddhist Exhibition 2011, you are also invited to join in our celebrations to show your appreciation!

    Re-live the moments!
    Since it was such a memorable event, it is only right that we share what we have recorded. Photos and footage of the exhibition will be played during the dinner to allow everyone to re-live the exciting moments of the week-long event. There will also be sneak preview of the Bodhi Nite 2011!! So it is an evening not to be missed!!

    Everyone! Make 30 April 2011 evening a meet up for everyone who helped/visited/appreciates Buddhist Exhibition 2011!
    Everyone is welcomed!!
    We will see you there!

    The Lodge, Squarehouse Level 3, UNSW
    Saturday, 30th April 2011
    ICon-Time 6.30pm - 9.30pm
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Kai Yi
    Pang Ping

    Vesak Day


    Do you know why the month of May is an auspicious month in Buddhist Calendar? It's because it's the month when we celebrate Vesak.

    Vesak is the time when we commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions:
    Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment and His Passing (Parinibbana).

    Vesak is also a time for great joy and happiness and we can express this through working together to decorate and set up the place for the celebration!

    UNIBUDS will celebrate this auspicious day together every year. This year, we will celebrate Vesak Day in the Mahayana tradition. We will be having chanting session, two short Buddhism talks by venerables and the bathing of the Buddha Ceremony.

    The Lodge, Level 3 of Squarehouse, UNSW
    Sunday, 14th May 2011
    ICon-Time 1.45pm for 2.00pm start. Event: 2.00pm - 5.00pm
    ICon-Time Free!
    Ian Ch'ng
    Hong Gee

    Breathing Meditation

    UNIBUDS Meditation Workshop
    Rod Lee

    In this workshop, Rod Lee will guide and teach us on how to do breathing meditation and make full use of the technique to help calm and quieten our busy mind.

    Breathing, the meditation on in-and-out breathing, is the first subject of meditation expounded by the Buddha. Most of time, what comes into our minds is not very useful, and often it's actually bad for us. For example we find ourselves worrying or getting angry, or putting ourselves down. The simple principle behind breathing meditation practice is that if we keep taking our awareness back to the breath — over and over again — then our mind gradually quiets down and we feel more contentment..

    Kindly RSVP with Su Sian so that we can confirm the number of attendees and accommodate to all.

    Speaker's Profile:
    Rod Lee is the director of the Tibetan Buddhist Society. He has been practising Buddhism for nearly 30 years and is currently a very well-spoken and experienced Buddhist teacher. He was a disciple of Venerable Geshe Loden. By adopting light-hearted and entertaining teaching approaches, Rod Lee teaches Buddhism to a varied audience and Buddhist meditation to business people besides teaching Tai Chi and applying Shiatsu massage. He also provides counselling services and special mental therapies from the Buddhist perspectives.

    Goldstein Hall G06, UNSW
    Saturday, 28th May 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 1.00pm
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Su Sian

    Winter Retreat

    Upcoming UNIBUDS Event during holiday

    Every year UNIBUDS organises a winter retreat during the July session break so we can rest and replenish our strained mind from session 1, and to experience the monastic life. This year is no exception.

    When is it? 1st July 2011 (Friday) - 3rd July 2011 (Sunday)

    Where is it? We will be going to Sunnataram Forest Monastery, a renowned monastery situated in the Southern Highlands of Bundanoon. It's a perfect place for meditation as we watch hills slope into valleys, while overlooking the forests of National Parks.

    What monastery is it? Sunnataram Forest Monastery is a Theravarda Buddhist monastery form the Thai forest tradition. For more information, please visit the monastery's website:

    What will we be doing? Under the guidance of the monastery's Abbot, PhraMana, we will be learning meditation, chanting, tai chi, yoga, listening to Dhamma talks, and getting involved in a sketch program. If weather permits, we will be bushwalking.

    What's in it for me? You will experience first-hand the monastic life, help out around the monastery and practice the Dhamma in a friendly and inspiring environment. Not to mention, have heaps of fun with fellow Unibuds friends!

    That all sounds amazing! But, how much is it going to cost me? All accommodation and food is provided free of charge by the monastery. However, you will need to purchase your own train tickets (about $3.90 concession / $7.80 adult one-way), and donations to the monastery will be greatly appreciated.

    But I'm not a student/ UNIBUDS member/ full-on Buddhist! The retreat - and Sunnataram itself - is about opening the doors of Buddhism for you to explore, freely. All are welcome! However, due to the limited spaces available, there is a first-come-first serve basis, and UNIBUDS members do have priority. So please register soon so you don't miss out!

    Ok, how do we get there? We will be going by train, departing from Central station on Friday morning. Alternatively, you can make your own way there by car, but you will still need to register and inform us about this. It is highly recommended that you attend the whole retreat from Friday to Sunday, as this will allow you to enjoy the retreat to the fullest.

    I want to go! What do I need to do? Please register by completing and sending the application form to The application form can be downloaded by clicking here!

    Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact or email us. Our contact details can be found below.

    **As a sign of respect to the Monastery, priority will be given to members who are able to attend the retreat for 3 days 2 nights, following by non-members who are able to attend for 3 days 2 nights. All applications are accepted on a first come first served basis. It is recommended that you attend the whole retreat.

    Sunnataram Forest Monastery @ Bundanoon
    Weekend of 1st - 3rd July 2011
    ICon-Time Weekend Stayover
    ICon-Time - All accommodation and food are provided free of charge by the Monastery.
    - The only cost is your train ticket: about $3.90 concession / $7.80 adult one-way.
    - Any dontations to the monastery will be greatly appreciated but not an obligation.
    Kai Yi
    Su Sian
    Den Neil
    Email enquiry and completed application form to:

    Photography Workshop

    Upcoming UNIBUDS Event during holiday

    Hi Unibuddies! How are you recently? Stressing out with the coming final exams? Worry not! Take a deep breath, have a cup of coffee and read through the upcoming event that I have planned for your winter break! ^^

    The main objective of having a Photography Workshop is to bring all members around during the winter break and enhance everyone's knowledge and skills on photography. This will be a two-days workshop involving both indoor and outdoor activities. Are you ready for it?!

    This time around, we are glad to have Shanty Joeng to volunteer as the coordinator of the workshop. She is our long-term supporting senior and has very good experience in photography.

    If you have strong interest in photography, what are you waiting for? Even if you do not have VERY strong interest, just come along and join the fun of learning!

    CAUTION! This workshop has a limited space of only 20 participants. If anyone is interested to join for only one day of the workshop, you are more than welcome to submit your form to me too! However, priority seats will be given to those who can make it for two days.

    A full program of the workshop will be handed out to the participants only when the date gets closer to the event. Besides, the cost of $5.00 is for the lunch provided in the second day of the workshop. Still hesitating? DON'T! Download the form here and submit to me to secure yourself a place!

    Coordinator Profile:


    Shanty has grown up with travelling and photography from her early days. She spent her childhood time around South East Asia before moving to Sydney, Australia in her early 20s. After finishing her formal university studies in UNSW, she trained professionally in Australian Centre for Photography in 2003 during her sabbatical year.

    Her initial dream career on becoming a photographer was put on hold due to family circumstances. However, she never stops her professional photography practice even though she's not practicing commercially.

    Her favourite photography style are mostly candid as she believes that emotions captured in the most unawared, are the true capture of the life stories. However, lately she also explores the landscape photography.

    Her love with technology gadgets and Buddhism philosophy have recently broaden her views on how photography should be used as the enhancement of documenting and archiving humanity's stories in 21st century. She does not believe that one should take pictures using the expensive tools. Her understanding is, as long as someone can deliver the humanity stories; that is the true art.

    Exploration using iphone4 and different applications is her favourite hobby presently. She always tries to shoot with her Canon 5D Mark II whenever she can.

    She was active in UNIBUDS from 2001-2007. She also served under Exco term as Activity Director and involved in the setup of Archive Department for Bodhi Night.


    UNSW Kensington Campus. Room location will be advised closer to the day.
    Saturday & Sunday, 16th & 17th July 2011
    ICon-Time 9.00am
    ICon-Time $5 + please bring your own camera! (i.e. compact camera, iphone,or SLR camera)
    Hong Gee Ooi

    Bodhi Nite 2011: Mindfulness

    UNIBUDS annual event


    It's finally here! [27th August 2011]

    UNIBUDS was founded in 1981, by Dr. Ching Liang Lim and his small group of committee members. With the endless guidance from both of our Patrons and the supports from all the communities, UNIBUDS is able to withstand the test of time and became a society for the students, by the students, which flourished in a university environment.

    We have marked our 30th anniversary recently and this year, we would like take one step further to present to you another wonderful yet inspiring event – Bodhi Nite 2011!

    Bodhi Nite, is an anniversary night that commemorates the birth of our dearest society. In conjunction to this celebration, we hope to portray the wonderful teachings of the Buddha in a fun, creative and relaxing way. This year, we will explore the theme "Mindfulness" through creative mix of stage play, choir performance and Multimedia presentations.

    Science Theatre, UNSW
    (Please take note of the venue change this year)
    Saturday, 27th August 2011
    ICon-Time 6.00pm - 10.00pm
    (6.00pm - 7.00pm - Vegetarian Dinner Served)
    $12 UNIBUDS Members
    $15 Non-UNIBUDS Members
    $18 At The Door
    (Tickets sell out real quick so no guarantee you can get tickets on the night)
    Foh Fan YONG
    Bing Sen KOH

    In order for us to succeed, we require efforts from everyone to make this possible! Do you feel like showing your talents and impressing the others? Do you want to add colour and form treasured memories during your university life? Bodhi Nite is a great chance for you! This will definitely be one of the most wonderful and exciting experiences for you in UNSW. Come and join us now!

    Below is where and how you can help us:

    • Program Master
      Den Neil
      Pei Ru

      Are you interested in performing? Dancing? Playing music instruments? Or maybe you prefer to be the unseen heroes, working behind the stage to make sure the performance is a blast? Well, this is your CHANCE! We currently are looking for performers, which includes musicians and also mic runners, tray persons, and ushers.
      Besides this, we are still looking for a female (preferably) Mandarin-speaking Master of Ceremony (MC). If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us!
      *Please take note that a screening process might take place.

    • Sketch Department
      Dennis Lim

      "Cut! Cut! Cut! No no, this won't do, let's start this scene all over again." Ever heard those words being shouted by the director while watching the 'behind the scenes' clip of your favourite TV show or movie? Well, the truth is, it's only 5% of that and 95% of acting joy and hilarious moments! The process of script rehearsals and brainstorming for the storyline is very enjoyable, where the sky is the limit for the end product of our sketch!

      If you are interested in acting or performing, then this is the department for you! Whether you are interested in taking up a major role or even a 'cameo' role in this year's Bodhi Nite sketch, there is always a role for you. We will also be making things more interesting this year by filming some short videos aside from the on-the-day sketch performance.

      We are also looking for videographers to help us film the short videos, script writers for the main script and also back drop/costume designers. Remember, you don't necessarily need to be experienced to join us! So what are you waiting for, feel free to leave me an email or message if you have any questions.

      And that's a rap!

    • Choir Department
      Esther Chia

      Waste no time in hesitating!! JOIN CHOIR DEPARTMENT NOW!! Choir is a fun department where we will be using our voices to inspire the attendees about the Dhammas. Whether you're experienced or just a novice, worry not! We're looking for those who are enthusiastic enough to come and learn and be part of the Choir department!! We're having choir practices every Monday night, Wednesday night, and Saturday morning. Choir members are expected to attend twice of the practices every week (Monday OR Wednesday AND Saturday). Let's work together to make this year's Bodhi Nite an AWESOME one and enjoy ourselves to the fullest!
      Note: Application closed on 24th July 2011 (Week 1, Semester 2)

    • Backstage Department
      Juan Lyn
      Zhen Xun

      Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a live performance? Do you like creating props, or would like to experience coordinating stage elements of a performance? Do you want to be part of a stage production, but feel that perhaps it is too daunting to perform on stage? Or do you simply feel like you could use some exercise?
      If it's a yes to any of these, then THIS is the golden opportunity to join the backstage team - one of the teams crucial to making what goes on stage, successful. The backstage team will be making props for performances, and coordinating lights, sounds and other performance elements. Do not be fooled by the name "back"-stage, what happens on stage is as important as what happens behind the stage!
      Please do contact us if you are interested! We look forward to hearing from you!

    • Marketing Department
      Bing Sen
      Tze Hao
      Senk Siang

      Interested in travelling? Or talking to people? If your answers are YES!! SURE!! AND NO PROBLEM!! Then, Marketing Department is something you must not miss.

      We will be going to suburbs to put up posters as well as attending events held by monasteries to sell tickets. If you are lazy to travel, NO WORRIES!! We will be setting up a stall in front of main library, giving out pamphlets in university, and promoting Bodhi Nite in classrooms.
      It would be FUN DOING IT TOGETHER!!!

    • Multimedia Department
      Xian Hui

      We, Multimedia Department add the magical touch to the Bodhi Nite through audio and visual effects. We have a wide range of position for you ranging from Animator, Artist, Scriptwriter, Movie editor, and much more!

      Worried that you lack the skills? Worry no more, as long as you wish to share your creative minds or you just like to draw or even you know how to use a computer and wish to help; we will have a position for you!

      So what are you waiting for? Put your creative talents to great use by joining the Multimedia Department!

    • Catering Department
      Yi Wen

      Ever imagined you could prepare food for a large group of people? Ever thought of polishing your cooking skills and at the same time having the opportunity to meet many people? Well, now is your chance! Join us, the catering department that fills everyone's tummies n the eventful night of Bodhi Nite. Can't cook but enjoy feeding guests and looking at their happy faces? This is just the right place for you to help with the packing and distributing of food to our audience with smiles. And if you are worrying that you do not have too much time to contribute? Worry not! We are seeking for 1-2 days commitment only.

      Do not hesitate further. Join Catering Department NOW!

    • Reception Department
      Hong Gee

      Who are we? We are the ones that provide the welcome, fun-loving yet grand atmosphere of Bodhi Nite. We are the smiling faces that greet the audience as they arrive for our performance. We are the reassuring and comforting faces that guide the audience to their seats. We are the Reception Department! SO, if you are a fun-loving individual, like meeting new friends and improve your own socialization skills, we welcome you to COME and JOIN us!

    • Publication Department

      Put your good heart and creative mind into good use by joining this department- we'll be reaching out to the communities near and far; on and off campus by publishing creative & eye-catching posters! And that is not all, any publishing acts will be taken on by this department; so, the beauty lies in introducing Bodhi Nite to the public and drawing crowds to this event: creatively, fun-lovingly and skilfully presenting the theme and essential message to the audience by capturing their attention before the event! People with skills in design, visual presentation, and strong graphic sense are very much appreciated! So what you waiting for? Come join us!

    • Transportation Department

      We strive to deliver anything related to this auspicious event in a joyous and collaborative way! By offering our kind help in transporting respectable VIPs, delicious vegetarian food, and other useful goods, we are able to be the AusPost/FedEX of the UNIBUDS and make dynamite ties along the way! The only difference is that this is not a full time job but as tolerated or on demand only! Please register with your unique contact number, vehicle types, and available hours and we will deliver right away!

    • Decoration Department
      Kai Yi
      Wan Chee Chua

      Do you…
      • Enjoy making things look beautiful and pretty?
      • Like working with flowers and colours?
      • Love seeing your work being awed with admiration at?
      • Enjoy stretching around and having some exercise?

      If the answer is yes to any of them…then THIS is a great opportunity to unravel the artistic YOU, and showcase your talents!! Be a part of the team that will be setting the colourful and lively scene of Bodhi Nite 2010!! We will be decorating billboards, the reception area and the stage. Please don't worry if you are hesitating whether you have the creativity to join us. We can work together to make this a success! Your contributions are greatly appreciated!! Do contact us if you're interested! We'd love to hear from you!

    • Funding Department
      Su Sian Teh

      This year UNIBUDS has a new department that focuses on sourcing for resources, FUNd, and other values (e.g. suggestions or materials) for Bodhi Nite through soft FUNding (donation and FUNdraising stall). FUNdraising activities will be organized to gather, make aware of, and to subsidise Bodhi Nite.
      Do you have many creative ideas or prior experience with FUNdraising? Always portray positive attitude and enthusiastic?
      If your answer is YES or you are interested to try out, please contact me.

    • Technician Department
      Wei Yin
      Mei Ling

      A niche department of the show production team, this department is exclusively seeking for someone who is interested in taking charge of the lighting and sound systems throughout the event. Working from the technical control room, we guarantee you the best seat in the entire theatre. There is only ONE spot left for this department – waste no time, contact us now!

    • Archive Department
      Kelly Wong

      Do you want to capture all the great moments for Unibuds' annual event – Bodhi Nite?
      If you are interested in photo-taking or video-taping, now is a good chance to apply your interest/skill in Archive department. It is one of the most meaningful departments with friendly people to work with. Let's capture all the laughter, smiles, tears, and every single memorable moment for Bodhi Nite 2011.

    BODHI NITE 2011 Thank-You-Dinner

    Upcoming UNIBUDS Event

    Bodhi Nite 2011 has successfully come to an end on 27th August but many memories of the night still linger on. More than 100 helpers put in their time and effort over a period of 3 months to present their best for Bodhi Nite.

    Many thanks to the people who made it happen!

    Bodhi Nite 2011 was possible only with the collective effort of everyone involved, be it the performers, the backstage, the many supporting departments and even the audience!

    The Organising Committee would like to thank you for your efforts. In order to show our gratitude, UNIBUDS is organising a potluck dinner to thank all those involved in Bodhi Nite this year! Everyone is hereby invited to the dinner! Even if you missed Bodhi Nite 2011, you are also invited to join in our celebrations to show your appreciation!

    Encore peformance!
    Since it was such a memorable evening, it is only right that we have an encore performance! Footage of the performances will be played during the dinner to allow everyone to re-live the exciting moments of the night. There might even be live performances so it is a night not to be missed!!

    The Lodge, Level 3 of Squarehouse
    Saturday, 10th September 2011
    ICon-Time 6.30pm - 10.30pm
    Free - Just yourselves!
    Kia Sheng
    Juan Lyn
    Wei Yin

    Mindfulness Meditation - The Cultivation of Awareness

    UNIBUDS Meditation Workshop
    Dr. Chien Hoong Gooi

    In this workshop, Dr Chien Hoong Gooi will guide and teach us on mindfulness meditation and how to make full use of the technique to deepen self-awareness and give rise to stability of the mind. This workshop will also include in-session experiential exercises and is particularly suited for those who wish to develop some basic understanding of the key Buddhist practices of mindfulness.

    Kindly RSVP with Su Sian so that we can confirm the number of attendees and accommodate to all.

    Speaker's Profile:
    Dr Chien Hoong Gooi is a Buddhist teacher and Clinical Psychologist who seeks to integrate western psychology with the practices of Buddhist meditation. He was previously involved in clinical research applying mindfulness practices in the treatment of anxiety disorders at The University of Sydney and also served as the Buddhist Chaplain at the University of New South Wales. He is currently a committee member for the Australian Association of Buddhist Counsellors and Psychotherapists (AABCAP) and a Trustee of the Buddhist Library. He presents regular mindfulness meditation courses at universities, Buddhist groups and to the general public as part of his involvement in community outreach.

    Goldstein Hall G06, UNSW
    Saturday, 17th September 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 1.00pm
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Su Sian


    Upcoming UNIBUDS Annual Event

    Another year has passed and we have come to yet another very important milestone in UNIBUDS' history, the 32nd Annual General Meeting! As we bid farewell and thank the 31st Executive Committee for their hard work, it is also time to elect our 32nd Executive Committee to carry on the UNIBUDS' torch.

    We hereby invite you to come to the AGM and show your support for UNIBUDS as this is the time when you can make your voice heard, as UNIBUDS exists because of her members (ie. YOU!) Therefore, no one is better to determine the future of the society other than YOU! So, please come to the AGM!

    Please download below PDFs for the nomination form and the detailed information of each Executive Committee position. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    pdf AGM 2011 - Nomination Form pdfAGM 2011 - EXCO Portfolios


    The Lodge, Level 3 of Squarehouse
    Saturday, 24th September 2011
    ICon-Time 2.00pm
    Pang Ping
    Hans Wibowo

    :~: Cook of The Year 2011 :~:

    Annual Activity

    Inspired by cooking shows or competitions?

    Have the passion for cooking?

    Looking for a stage to share your cooking skills?

    This year, UNIBUDS proudly presents you:

    Cook of The Year is an annual event organised by UNIBUDS. For those of you who wish to challenge your cooking skills, REGISTER NOW!!! There will be prizes for winners…and not to forget the honour of becoming MasterChef of UNIBUDS!!! Come and have fun together and gain Dhamma knowledge on the way. If you are not confident in your cooking skills, you are still welcome to attend this event! Show your support to your fellow friends. Lunch is provided (Feel free to contribute some food). Plus, we will also provide some recipes for you to learn.

    1. Form a group of 4 - 5 members

    o Do not worry if you don't have enough members to form a team, just inform the organisers. They are more than happy to fix a team for you.
    2. Prepare at least 3 Vegetarian Dishes
    o Dishes could be entrée, main or dessert
    o Each dish should be able to serve 5 people
    3. Keep them well in containers or bowls and BRING them to The Lodge
    4. Present your dishes
    o Relate your dishes to the Dhamma
    o Name your dishes (preferably using Dhamma terms)
    o Be creative (you may use powerpoint slideshows)

    Winner Selection Criteria
    • Dhamma relativity (most important)
    • Taste
    • Presentation

    * Please direct any queries to the contact person of the event!

    The Lodge, Level 3 of Squarehouse
    Saturday, 15th October 2011
    ICon-Time 11.00am - 3.00pm

    Mindfulness in Daily Life

    UNIBUDS Meditation Workshop
    Jim Teoh

    Meditation is not just a practice, it is a way of life. Do we sometimes leave our awareness and mindfulness behind when we finish meditating? How can we apply meditation in our daily lives?

    In this workshop, Mr Jim Teoh will guide us through how to bring what we learn from meditation into our daily lives. This workshop will be very useful in bringing mental stability and concentration, by being aware and mindful of everything we do. Definitely useful for avoiding stress and procrastination in the upcoming exam period!

    Kindly RSVP so that we can confirm the number of attendees and accommodate all. Thank you!

    Speaker's Profile:
    Mr Jim Teoh is experienced in both the Mahayana and Theravada teachings. He has been teaching Buddhist courses for over ten years. During this time he has taught numerous courses and meditation sessions at the Buddhist Library. He has been teaching meditation class at Bodhikusuma since the centre opened in 2002. Jim also facilitates a monthly Buddhism discussion group.

    Goldstein Hall G06, UNSW
    Saturday, 22nd October 2011
    ICon-Time 10.00am - 1.00pm
    ICon-Time FREE!
    Allen Kha

    Sculpture by the Sea + Coastal Walk

    Upcoming UNIBUDS Social Activity

    Studying for final exams? Hahaha GOOD!! Keep up the GOOD work!!!

    By the way, UNIBUDS has GOOD news for you; we are going to have a tour to Sculpture by the Sea after the exam.

    What is Sculpture by the Sea?

    It is an annual event held along the Bondi to Tamarama coastal walks (2 km walk) featuring over 100 sculptures. We will start our journey from Bondi Beach and enjoy the walk to Tamarama Bay. The entire journey takes approximately 2 to 3 hours (Depending on how much LAUGHTER we have throughout the journey!!)
    Remember to bring your camera along!! And meet us in front of UNSW Main Gate.
    Lastly, all the best in your exam!! Do your best and leave no regrets!!

    What to bring:
    - hat and sunglasses
    - comfortable clothing & walking shoes
    - do not forget to apply some sun lotion
    - water bottle
    - and lastly --> YOUR CAMERA!

    Bondi Beach to Tamarama Bay
    Meet at UNSW Main Gate
    Sunday, 19th November 2011
    ICon-Time Meeting time: 8.00am
    ICon-Time Just your bus fare - MyBus 2
    Bing Sen

    Summer Retreat

    UNIBUDS Annual Avent

    Come and join us for the coming SUMMER RETREAT! It will be held on the 2nd to 4th December 2011 at Wat Pa Buddharangsee (Leumeah, Sydney).

    The theme for this year will be: UNDERSTANDING THE THREE POISONS

    Ever wonder what are the "Three Poisons" in our life? How do they affect us? Do you understand them enough? This is your best chance! This is also an excellent opportunity for you to experience the monastic way of living as well as to learn a little more about yourself and Buddhism.

    There will be a host of Dhamma enriching activities such as: Meditation, Chanting, Dhamma Talks, Dhamma Discussion and many more....

    The only cost to this event is the transport fee to the Monastery.This is due to the fact that Wat Pa Buddharangsee is providing accommodation and UNIBUDS are providing food for free. So, feel free to donate to the Monastery :)

    Places are limited (35 places only!) and are given on a first come first serve basis. However, priority may be given to UNIBUDS members if there are insufficient places.

    So secure your place now! Please view the attached file for registration form. Please submit your registration form to before 19th of November.

    Wat Pa Buddharangsee, Leumah NSW
    2nd - 4th December 2011
    ICon-Time Rail Ticket ($8 for Adults or $4 for Concessions)
    Bing Sen -|
    Ian Ch'ng
    Yi Hui